Friendly accommodation on daily or weekly basis for short stays with option for food.
We help our guests retain their well being and take good care of their health.
We strongly believe in delivering a sense of home to our guests who may be away from home.
This space is known for its warmth, homely atmosphere and wholesome food. There is a boutique with clothes for men and women, yoga mats, hammocks, children's toys, bed sheets and covers, etc. We host Pranic Healing classes [basic/ advanced] where people can learn how to feel and use energy for self-healing, healing others, healing relationships and improving the quality of life. Cafe for Body-Mind-Soul [In progress]. This is a space where you may receive free healing from the host, subject to her availability.
Hi, I'm Nalini. I pair out-of-the-box thinking with tried-and-true experienced skills. I came to Bangalore in 1986, and it wasn’t easy finding suitable accommodation in guest houses, with a homely atmosphere and good food. It was then that I planted the seed. I started my career as a model for Olympic Sports and Casual Wear, KSIC Silk Sarees and also walked the ramp at Fashion shows. In 1988, I was on The Welcome Group, Windsor Manor, Sankey Road. Shortly after, my first child was born and my priorities changed. However, by 1992, I was designing ladies garments at Gokul Das Exports (The Wearhouse), where I was the Chief Designer for 38 outlets across India. After my second child was born, my career took a backseat and I took to projects from home. I ran a boutique designing bridal gowns, children’s and ladies’ wear, and quilts and quilted gift items. I also took tutorials (by demand) for my neighbours and friends in designing, cutting, and stitching.